Sunday, May 29, 2011

Win More Basketball Games With Effective Passing - Passing Tips for Basketball Success

Many teams fail to reach their potential due to a deficit in the basic skills needed in basketball. One of these basics is effective passing. By sharing insight in the art of good passing, this article aims to help basketball players and teams decrease their number of turnovers and win more games by providing specific philosophies and approaches when examining the elements of effective passing.

When examining the important elements of team offense, many basketball players and coaches overlook the role of passing. Passing the basketball reflects the link that unites a team on offense. Effective passing can allow any player the ability to score. And, when not done properly, many turnovers represent a direct result of bad passing. Thus, it is sensible to accept that improving one's ability to pass, would certainly lead to a greater scoring potential while lowering the rate of turnovers on the basketball court.

Let us first examine various elements of good basketball passing. To adopt any one of these tips should lead to immediate improvement for any basketball team that desires to win more games.

1. FOCUS. More important than passing the basketball, is to deliver it. Every player and coach has witnessed turnovers occur due to bad passing. Only to release the basketball in the direction of a teammate is not enough to be successful The great tool of passing becomes useless or self-defeating unless it arrives into the hands of a teammate. For this reason, a player must demonstrate focus to deliver the ball to its target and practice passing with this mental attitude. Without this concentration, when facing a determined opponent, the basketball can be taken by anyone - defender or teammate. However, once one responsibility of the pass is assumed by the passer, a team will progress to greater success by taking an important step towards good passing habits.

2. CATCHING. Once the ball is thrown and arrives at the proper place at the proper time, can the player receiving the pass catch it? We have often seen games when a team has worked hard to break through a tough defense, and the player open to shoot the high percentage shot, drops the pass and commits a turnover. These things can demotivate an entire team. For this reason, it is important for players to commit to do a few things to avoid these situations. Often, instead of being focused on catching, these players are thinking about what to do with the basketball after it is caught. Sometimes, they feel nervous from the pressure of making mistakes. Or, quite often, they try to catch the ball with one hand and not both.

If these things are happening to you or your team, try to replace these harmful habits. Always aim to provide a target with your hands in order to communicate to others where you want to receive the ball. The next time you see a basketball game, watch how often offensive players have their hands and arms at their sides. I am sure you will see that the best teams have better habits of showing the desired passing target. Therefore, Coaches, insist a, "No target, no pass!" policy for your players to reinforce this successful habit.

Once the pass is made, concentrate completely on getting control of the ball and, follow through to use both hands to catch it. Even a post player with one hand ready to catch, will achieve greater success if she or he were to follow through with the second hand upon catching the ball.

To alleviate the nervousness, focus with all of your mind on getting the ball under your control. We can think of only one thing at a time. And, instead of thinking about what to do next, or what could go wrong, direct your mind on the task at hand and catch the ball.

Thus, to improve catching the basketball, give a target, focus on ball control and use both hands. These three things, if put in use, can lead to greater achievement for any team.

3. POSITIONING. Often on offense, players stand still and avoid moving with the progress of the ball. I explain to my players, "If you want to watch, join me on the bench. But, if you want to play, remain in constant movement with the ball." Sometimes, players abandon the person who has the ball, making it more difficult for him or her to pass. Other times, players find themselves in the wrong positions because they do not know the offensive system or they have not focused on what is happening. Thus, these players are not seen or stand in difficult places causing the ball handler to avoid passing them the basketball. This situation can easily turn to an advantage for the defensive team. To eliminate this problem, players should understand the team's system and always move to a position were the ball handler can make a good passes.

4. BEING PREPARED. Very often, players run onto offense or defense with their backs to the ball. They often do not see the ball and are not ready to receive it when it comes. In these cases, the ball is passed, but stolen by an opponent. In Basketball as in life, we have to be ready when luck comes our way. I have seen players with a ball, ready to pass the ball to a player in an advantageous position, but the player is not focused on the ball and misses this golden opportunity. To avoid these situations, every player must see the basketball at all times. The one who sees the ball, stands a better chance to catch, shoot, or even steal the basketball.

As one can see, effective passing is a powerful weapon in basketball. The best teams usually have the best passing game. Lacking this basic skill can hinder a basketball team from reaching its potential. However, by adapting these tips in regards to focusing, catching, positioning and preparation, any player or team should see immediate results leading to less turnovers and greater success on the basketball court.

Jorge Moreno is a basketball coach in the Southeast Regional basketball league. Coach Moreno reflects a strong commitment to individual development and greater success in basketball. To read the latest tips to improve your basketball game, visit Coach Moreno's site at:

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